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3o Educational Seminar on Diabetes

Σάββατο, 14 Ιαν 2012

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3o Educational Seminar on Diabetes DIAV_EkpSem_JANUAR_ATHENS-pdf

3o Educational Seminar on Diabetes


The field of Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases has been
advancing in a dizzying pace, making it increasingly hard to follow all
developments in the field, especially in matters of specialized training.

These four educational seminars on Prevention of Cardiovascular
Diseases, organized by the Institute of Study, Research and Training
for Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Diseases in collaboration with
Cambridge University, are specially designed to cover all
advancements in the field of Lipids, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus
and Atherosclerosis.

The programme offers the unique opportunity to the Greek
audience to attend seminars prepared and presented by both Greek
and foreign scientists with extended research experience in their
respected fields. The learning experience is further enhanced by
utilizing the latest e-learning and live streaming technologies and
combining them with face-to-face classroom interaction.
The seminars are available for general practicioners as well as
specialized internists, diabetologists, cardiologists, family doctors,
endocrinologists and doctors of other specialties which apply to the
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and are aiming to offer a better
understanding and provide insight in the latest developments of the
pathophysiology diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular risk

We invite you to participate, actively and effectively, by attending
the courses and the online educational material, so that this distribution
of knowledge becomes a valuable learning experience for your and
your colleagues.

Dr Stayros Pappas
Pathologist – Diabetologist,
3rd Pathology Clinic and Diabetology
General Hospital Nikaias
“Agios Panteleimon”
President of Institute of Study,
Research and Training
for Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic

Moses Elisaf, MD, RSPH
Professor of Internal Medicine
of the University of Ioannina
Director of 2nd Internal Medicine
Clinic of the University Hospital
of Ioannina
Medical School
University of Ioannina
Ioannina – Greece
Dr Arun K. Gupta, MBBS, MA, PhD, FFICM, FRCA, FHEA
Director of Postgraduate Education
Academic Health Sciences Centre,
Cambridge University Health Partners


Σάββατο, 14 Ιαν 2012

Tόπος Διεξαγωγής

Αθήνα – Θεσσαλονίκη
Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη, Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη Ελλάδα